Monday, December 6, 2021

100 objects


Item: Tea Bags

Dinner and A Movie

Exploration around the World

This whole piece is balanced despite the wide arrangement of color and materials used. The spaced but crowded piece gives the sense of there being an underwhelming adventure with conflicts and action. Between the spices, gold plates, blood, and netting, the viewer thinks of this piece as being exotic with an awareness of exploration. Through all of the pleasant warm and bright colors, there is an appearance of a worn effect on the piece itself that gives the viewer the feeling that this is historic. The eyes that travel along this piece with get the overall feeling of an exotic but adventurous exploration around every corner.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Figurative Sculptures

Homelessness in the City
Throughout the sculptures, both have a sense of homelessness that makes the viewer ponder and wonder how they got to that point. Starting off with the base, the choice of covering the wood with an Amazon box was to show and represent the amount of money that Amazon makes and that they are not willing to do anything to help. Both figures are shown to have cracks all over them as a sign of their brokenness and helplessness in society today. Moving to the sculpture on the left, the figure has a blanket in a dark orange to provide the dark feeling of homelessness as well as to show that the only things with color were the things given to them. The penny that he is holding as well signifies the feeling that the penny to them is like a thousand dollars and it means all the world to them. Finally, moving to the figure on the right has no essence of color on or around them to represent the winter months of being cold and having to cover themselves.

The golden to bitter end
materials: penny, orange and brown ink, metal wiring, and clay
dimensions: 2 1/2 x 5 in.

Helplessness in the Snow
Materials: Clay, Wiring, and (glue because the sculpture was being nocked over)
Dimensions: 2 x 4 1/2 in.


Gregor’s Room

When reading the story and looking at the excerpts, I wanted to create Gregor's room into something that would seem homey on the outside but digging deeper into each object and color to notice that everything is not as it seems. I decided to choose colors that would entice the eyes to not only look on top but to see underneath to figure out what is actually going on with Gregor throughout the story. I wanted to make the colors of his blanket and pillow to be bright to show the beginning side of him that wanted to stay in the nice bed all day where as everything else filled with this dull color to emphasize the later part of the story to when he transformed and then on. The reason for having the closet out of all the other items that I created was to show Gregor's usual job with his suit and tie in there along with himself hiding from everyone knowing that he can never go back to work looking like that. I wanted to put more detail into the objects that Gregor did not use or was around to show the originality of the object rather than the things he touched or was underneath to spotlight what was happening to both him and his stuff in his room towards the end of the story. 

From Light to Disparity
Materials: paper and ink 
dimensions for bed: 9 x 5 1/2 in


Masking Tape Shoes


100 objects

  Item: Tea Bags