Thursday, September 23, 2021

Touch Response


designed through illustrator.
17x11 landscape

"When we die, loved ones swaddle us in heavily padded coffins, making us infants again, lying in our mother's arms before returning to the womb of the earth, ceremonially unborn."
A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 71

I designed this piece with the thought of thinking about the quote in a literal aspect with each part describing how we as people die with the intention of knowing that loved ones would care and have memories about you through passing by the grave and touching the coffin. The book describes the feeling of after you die that it feels like going back into your mother's arms almost as a calming and soft feeling that your body would have after death. The gray and beige background are supposed to show the during and after death, going from something sad and without feel to something warm and calming being back into the mother's arms.

Without Touch
designed in Illustrator
11x17 portrait 

"...To be without touch is to move through a blurred, deadened world, in which you could lose a leg and not know it, burn your hand without feeling, and lose track of where you stop and the featureless day begins."
A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, p. 82

I designed this piece to give the overall feeling that in the world that we live in, touch is a huge factor in our daily lives and without it there are an extreme amount of different situations that could limit your possibilities to experience things. The gray background is supposed to symbolize the featureless day that people without touch can sometimes experience. As well as the road that goes to the edge of the page to show the deadened world that can have people lose track of where you stop in life. I wanted to have the road go to infinite or go back into the space of the background to show the feeling of living through a blurred life without touch.

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